Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Do stressful things always seem to come at you from every direction at once? It seems like when things are going to go wrong, or have the potential to go wrong, it's never just in one facet of my life. I'm not sure if stress always comes in bunches or if the times that I don't feel stressed is because there are just less things hitting me at once.

I think the latter is probably true. When only one or two things are demanding my immediate attention and worry, life seems pretty good. But when I start getting hit with difficulties at work, at home, with friends, family, church, your car needs repair, my lawnmower won't start, my computer gridlocks, etc., etc., is the times that I feel the pressure. Any one of these could go wrong and if the that's the only thing going wrong then life is pretty good. But when a wave of stress hits, it's always because my whole world is going wacko. I think I'll go home and hold a puppy for a while.

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