Wednesday, July 27, 2011

iPhone Idiocracy

An Experian survey of nearly 3,000 customers reveal that about 1/3 of consumers are ready to buy the new iPhone5, sight unseen. Read more about the survey on the PCR web site.

Monday, July 25, 2011

This prayer sponsored by...

If you've never seen "Taladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby", this should be reason enough for you to see it. (language disclaimer, probably not suitable for younger movie watchers)

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's that time again

I'm off to Church Camp again this year with a plethora of 3rd - 12th graders and a few adults who aren't smart enough to know they're grown-ups now. A good time is always had by all, in spite of the heat.

We're going back to Pink, OK. This year we're studying about stories of survival: Lions, furnaces, prison, shipwrecks, and a cross. Good stuff. I'm already looking forward to swim time and some Ultimate Frisbee! Woo hoo!

Nothing in technology is accidental

I know I'm helping to perpetuate the problem, but Computerworld magazine's web site is reporting that Microsoft "accidentally" leaked access to it's attempt at a social networking site called Tulalip.

Read about it if you must, but they say that access was allowed "accidentally, honest".

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Tax Man Cometh...

I'm not a NY Yankee fan. I'm especially not a Derek Jeter fan. But 3,000 hits is impressive, I don't care who you are. What's even more impressive is that Jeter's 3,000th hit was a home run which was caught by Christian Lopez. The most impressive event of them all is that Lopez gave the ball back to Jeter; no strings attached. That kind of generosity is hard to find in these days of sacrificing one's body and life to catch a ball going into the stands.

Now comes the absurdity. The Yankees gave Lopez season tickets and autographed memorabilia from Jeter as a reward for his generosity. The IRS will be expecting the value of those season tickets to be on Lopez's tax return next April 15. Apparently this whole deficit/debt ceiling thing really is a crisis.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Country

Geography teachers will be teaching with outdated maps this Fall. The largest and one of the most war-torn countries in Africa, Sudan, is now two countries: Muslim-dominant Sudan, and the more Christian South Sudan. Just maybe, with all of the new governments taking power in northern Africa and the middle-east, a peaceful climate will settle into this area. Let's hope and pray for such a peace.

Friday, July 8, 2011


If you're not watching on television or the NASA's web site, then shame on you. This is the end of a long and successful era of travelling into space.

HOT PREDICTION: NASA's next task will be figuring out what to do with all of the space junk that's floating around up there discarded or no longer used.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Justice System

I wasn't there. I don't know how Caylee Anthony died. I don't know if there was enough evidence presented in a courtroom 1160 miles away from my home to convict her mother of killing her. It would seem there was not enough evidence to remove all doubt.

It's interesting to hear and read the opinions of the people who know she was guilty, yet were also not there. I think I have read and heard the same people claim that the news media usually spin information. Could some spinning toward guilt have taken place? Or does the spinning only occur in political news? Or does the spinning only occur when you disagree?

I wasn't there. But if errors will be made in our judicial system (and they will), I would rather them err on the side of innocence than err on the side of guilt. When all is said and done, I'm glad I'll be judged by God, not people watching too much television.

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's not just me

At first I thought it was just me. I got the new Galaxy Tab 10.1 and got all of the built-in e-mail, calendar, and contact apps set up. Then I needed my Google Voice app, which was strangely missing. No problem, I'll just go to the (Google) Android App Market to download the (Google) Voice app just like I did on my iPhone, iPad, and my Android phone.

Apparently there is no Google Voice app on the market for my Google Android tablet. Apparently there are precious few Android tablet apps out there. I'm glad to know it's not just me. After four days with the Android tablet my advice is still the same: stick with the iPad and its plethora of apps.