Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Justice System

I wasn't there. I don't know how Caylee Anthony died. I don't know if there was enough evidence presented in a courtroom 1160 miles away from my home to convict her mother of killing her. It would seem there was not enough evidence to remove all doubt.

It's interesting to hear and read the opinions of the people who know she was guilty, yet were also not there. I think I have read and heard the same people claim that the news media usually spin information. Could some spinning toward guilt have taken place? Or does the spinning only occur in political news? Or does the spinning only occur when you disagree?

I wasn't there. But if errors will be made in our judicial system (and they will), I would rather them err on the side of innocence than err on the side of guilt. When all is said and done, I'm glad I'll be judged by God, not people watching too much television.