Friday, December 2, 2011

"New" Elements on the periodic table

Two "new" elements will soon be added to chemistry's Periodic Table of elements. I put the word "new" in quotes because I'm pretty sure they have existed, or at least the possibility of their existence, since God created everything. This exciting (to science nerds) event makes me think about how cool it would have been to be Adam.
According to Genesis, Adam got to name all of the animals that God created. I wonder how many of them Adam named because of the place where he first saw them, or "discovered" them. I also wonder how many names he came up with just because they were fun to say (like "Francisco"), or because they cracked him up. All of those names just kind of make sense to us now, but he had to catch some grief from Eve for some of the names she thought were dumb. She was, after all, his wife. I would like to think that later on in their relationship he was still naming things and probably picked some names because he knew she would like them, and others because he knew it would bother her. All of these according to how they were getting along that day.

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