Monday, February 6, 2012


  • Do you ever click on the Next Blog>> link in the menu bar at the top of a Blogspot blog? It's amazing how many blogs have been left abandoned.
  • Then again, after reading a few of them, it's not all that amazing how many blogs have been abandoned.
  • It would be fun to try to read my blog postings if I never went back and corrected the typos.
  • I'm still a hunt-and-pecker. Wait, that doesn't come across very well the way I said it.
  • College visit weekend with #2 son was success. He's thinking a smaller school is the way to go now, and he really liked LCU from what I could tell. We'll go to HSU in Abilene in a couple of weeks.
  • We also got to spend some time with #1 son in Abilene going to and coming from Lubbock. We took him out to eat for his birthday, which was the previous weekend. I think this is the first year he was not with us on his birthday. I guess at age 23, it's about time for that and it will be rare that he's with us on a birthday in the future. Another milestone of life.
  • Abilene is not on the way to Lubbock from my house, but it's not that far out of the way if it means getting to see #1 son.
  • Today is the last basketball game of the season for #4 son. I suppose we'll be freezing our baking at track meets for a while now.
  • I watched most of the Superbowl. It was really a pretty good game. The commercials were not much to write home about. It looks like many companies are realizing the return on the investment of a $1 million plus per minute advertisement is not worth it.
  • There were a shocking number of movie commercials. Maybe there is some corporate connection between NBC and the studios releasing the movies.

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