Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I'm at my 6th TCEA Convention this week. It's always nice to gather with several thousand other edugeeks and make fun of all the technological ineptitude in the teaching world.

Here are some things that I already knew, but needed to be reminded:
1. Change happens slowly in the education world but not in the technology world. By the time you convince teachers to use a new technology, it's no longer a new technology and it has lost it's relevance to the students.
2. The teacher, not the technology,needs to be the focus of change.
3. Most predictions of what a new technology will be like in the future are wrong. In the late 1980's AT&T determined that in order to supply all demands for all cellular phones for all time, they would need to produce 900,000 phones. They were off.

I'm done learning for the day and my feet hurt. I think I'll go soak in the hot tub. I'm glad Uncommon Wife reminded me to bring a pair of shorts.

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