Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's not your older brother's razor

Motorola has announced the release of their new RAZR smart phone.

You remember the Motorola RAZR, don't you? It was the thinnest and slickest of the flip phones. Everybody wanted to dump their old phone back in 2004 and get their hands on the coolest looking phone to come along since Thomas Edison said his first "Hello World" on a land line. In reality the phone's features were horrible, but everyone looked sweet with their funky colored RAZR up to their ear trying to maintain a signal long enough to hold a conversation.

Then along came the iPhone, and the RAZR fell by the wayside. But Motorola is hoping to revive it, and may well be on their way to competing with the iPhone with a faster, tougher, and potentially better Android smartphone.

Click here to see the new Motorola Razr

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