Monday, January 30, 2012

Psalm 100

No quote this time. I'm still trying to memorize this Psalm, but I'm awful at memorization. I have noticed, however, that reading it every day and spending time trying to memorize it seems to make my attitude a little better than usual.
I've never really been a big fan of memorization just for the sake of having something memorized. I guess I've always had that attitude, but the Interwebs have helped to further cement it into my own personal dogma. The only things I can think of that I ever memorized because I wanted to are the quadratic formula (which I never use any more) and a handful of Robert Frost poems. But apparently some of this scripture memorizing can really work, just like I've been told.
If I get in too good of a mood, I'll have to go work on memorizing part of the book of Lamentations.

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