Thursday, January 19, 2012


  • A salesman showed up unannounced at my school today. He got here just before lunch time, but I was already gone to lunch. He stayed around until I got done with lunch. I finally met up with him at the High School. I should have been more rude for him showing up on a cold sales call.
  • Apple announced today that textbooks will soon be a thing of the past.
  • If a school was thinking about buying any kind of tablet besides the iPad, they aren't any more.
  • I got a new Dell Latitude ST at school. It'e a tablet that runs Windows 7. It's not as useful as I had hoped. I bet it will be much better with Windows 8.
  • SOPA and PIPA seem to be going away.
  • Wikipedia went dark (not down) yesterday in protest of SOPA and PIPA. Other than it being on the Internet news sites, I really didn't even notice.
  • AT&T is raising the prices of its data plans by $5 per month. Multiply that by the number of data plans they are selling and you get a huge increase in revenue.
  • All of those "Occupy" morons will not occupy AT&T because they know all the other phone companies will follow suit and raise their prices. Besides, they were all using their data plans to put their occupy movements on Facebook and Twitter.
  • I like to work hard and fast in the mornings then be able to slow down in the afternoons.

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