Friday, January 20, 2012


  • Stephen Colbert is funny. But it's intellectual humor, so you probably don't get it.
  • Colbert's campaign to vote for him by voting for Herman Cain is a perfect example of the above referenced humor.
  • Now that the hoopla over Apple's textbook announcement is over, all of the questions are arising about licensing and fees and all of the legal stuff.
  • The weekend is finally approaching. This has been one long short week.
  • We celebrate MLK, Jr. Day in January because that's when his birthday occurs. It seems like Black History Month would be January, not February.
  • WinterfesT starts today. I like WinterfesT.
  • I hate politics, but I get drawn in to a certain extent. I think because I truly appreciate that as a citizen of this country, I get a voice in how it is governed.
  • The above statement grows less and less true every generation.
  • Make no mistake, Newt Gingrich's rant toward the CNN debate moderator (who would like his name mentioned as much as possible) last night played right into the moderators hands. He wears that chewing out now like a badge.
  • Congress put SOPA on the back burner because so many people were against it. Congress will be for or against whatever it takes to get Congress re-elected.
  • My political views lean more toward Libertarian than anything else.
  • The EU is preparing to battle Iran's developing Nuclear weapons capabilities with economic sanctions. When I read about that kind of thing, I always wonder whether it will be a significant enough event to make it into the history books 50 years from now.
  • I should have said whether it will make it onto the iPad textbook reference links 50 years from now.

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