Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dogs are cool

Woot! A new dictionary!

The new Concise Oxford English Dictionary for 2012 includes words like woot, sexting, retweet, and more. Your Words with Friends game may never be the same. Your Scrabble tiles may need to be redistributed across the alphabet to allow for more i's if Apple keeps changing our names for our Internet-capable devices.

The older I get, and the crazier and more flexible our language becomes, It makes me glad that the manuscripts which comprise the Bible were written in dead languages. Thankfully, their meaning stays the same. But it is nice to have new words to reflect those original meanings. But I suppose we need to add "sexting" to places like Matthew 5 and Galatians 5.

Read more about new additions to the dictionary on the Telegraph web site.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Words have meaning

Rick Perry should not throw around the word 'treason' quite so flippantly. Words have meaning, so let's use them for their meaning, not to try to make things something they're not.

The spending bill that was passed by Congress recently was very bad and does not cut the deficit. It only cuts that rate at which the deficit will grow, provided that the next 5 Congresses abide by the rules passed by this Congress. It was bad legislation, but not treasonous.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

No heat record

One of our local weathermen commented that when you're watching a race or ballgame or contest of any kind, you want it to be close at the end. Nobody likes a blow out.

Friday would have tied the record for the most consecutive 100+ degree days, but Thursday, God blessed us with a cool rain in the afternoon and we only reached 97 degrees. I almost let the weekend slip by without giving credit where credit is due.

It was a fun race, but 1980 still holds the records for most 100 degree days and most 100 degree days in a row. I suppose if God didn't allow a little discomfort and suffering in our lives from time to time, we would likely forget that he's in control of it all. Heck, I don't suppose that's true, I know that's true. Just read a history book or your nearest bible.

Thank you, Ben Franklin

I can see quite clearly now at any distance. Maybe I'll get back on track with blog postings now that I have a new pair of glasses. Four weeks of eye strain was too long.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who's in charge, anyway?

It's fun and easy to pretend that we are the world's superpower in all aspects of life. It's interesting to see the opinions of other countries from time to time. And it's easier that ever to do just that on the Web. Here is a blurb from The Times of India:
"The assessment is that the immediate economic impact would be limited despite some strong words from China. 'The US government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone. China, the largest creditor of the world's sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China's dollar assets,' China said in a statement issued through state news agency Xinhua."

Take a good look at that picture. That's what my grand-kids will look like when they're teenagers. They won't know the same USA in which I grew up.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I remember back when...

it used to rain. This is a picture of my front lawn. (Not really, my front lawn is St. Augustine grass and this is corn, but the color and density of the plants is about the same.)

I kept telling my kids that I was alive back in the heat wave of 1980, and that they need to quit complaining about the heat because I've been through worse. I don't comment much on the heat any more. It looks like we have that one 30 years ago beat.

God will send the rain when he gets good and ready to send it. Pray, and pray often. Persistence pays off. (read Luke 18:1-8)