Saturday, January 26, 2013

Game 3

We lost both games one and two. Last game is against the host team. I think we've done okay for a 'B' team in a tournament of schools with no 'B' teams.

It's also cool that our boys pray before the game. They're learning good thing besides just basketball.

It's Been Such A Long Time

Something changed with our web filtering service at school so that I can barely read blogs anymore, much less post to one. So I haven't posted anything for a while. I'm at a Junior High basketball tournament all day today and more than slightly bores between games. Blog surfing on my smartphone led me to try the Blogger app, and here I am posting again.

Going back and reading after a five month gap reveals how quickly life can change. Uncommon Son #1 is engaged with a wedding date set for June 15. Uncommon Son #2 got some less than stellar liver biopsy results and is off all medication and trying to eat better and exercise more. Uncommon Son #3 is in the "please apply to our college" zone. Some days all if our snail mail is addressed to him. Uncommon Son #4 is starting to better master the concept of school, just in time to enter High School next year.

We lost Game 1 by one point. Maybe more blogging after Game 2.